USAR kit designed for seismic listening incorporating 2 SEARCH cabled seismic sensors and a MONO-APP control box ...
The number of natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, flash flooding, major flooding, mudslides, landslides, avalanches, etc.) or major disasters (such as mining disasters, explosions, industrial accidents, terrorist attacks or structural collapses) has increased worldwide for several decades.
The urban search and rescue of victims trapped under rubble requires the involvement of search and rescue specialists (INSARAG USAR teams, search and rescue units, dog sniffer teams, building specialists, etc.) with very specific USAR equipment to detect and locate victims, communicate with them and then extract and rescue them.
For over 20 years, LEADER has designed cutting-edge USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) equipment to help search and rescue teams to rescue victims buried under rubble even more quickly and efficiently !
LEADER is the only manufacturer to offer a complete range of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) equipment to detect and locate buried victims.
The in-house R&D team at LEADER and their technical expertise combined with tremendous search and rescue operations experience contributed to this product range.
These electronic search equipment aim to make it easier to detect and locate buried victims during different technical search stages (Hasty, Primary and Secondary search). They are designed to detect victims under rubble, precisely locate their position and communicate with them to determine their needs in terms of assistance and rescue.
These high-tech USAR tools dedicated to urban search and rescue (USAR) are categorised into:
All this USAR equipment to locate buried victims are applicable to different urban search and rescue phases/techniques, such as:
For many years, LEADER has offered MONO-APP (mono-application) and even dual application urban search and rescue equipment. This includes LEADER HASTY (2-in-1 life locator device) which combined seismic detection (thanks to its seismic sensors) and visual location (thanks to its search cam) using a single control box.
=> In other words, a single control box could control two search peripherals: seismic detectors and the search and rescue camera.
Now, for complete versatility, 5 LEADER search peripherals can be connected to the same control box, called the “MULTI-APP” box.
Two types of control box are now available: MONO-APP and MULTI-APP boxes.
==> Find more information about the MONO-APP box on the following page: LEADER control boxes and peripherals. (link to page N3 “boxes/peripherals” for more details).
The versatility of the MULTI-APP box allows numerous peripheral combinations. The MULTISEARCH (MS) system is:
==> Find more information about the MULTI-APP box on the following page: LEADER control boxes and peripherals. (link to page N3 “boxes/peripherals” for more details).
It is possible to upgrade a kit by using a MULTI-app box at any time (more information on the MULTI-APP box here).
This means you can buy a kit one year and add peripherals (Ground penetrating radar (GPR), search camera, seismic sensors, etc.) or accessories (pole, extension lead, audio headset, transport case, backpack, battery, etc.) several months/years after your initial purchase.
Do you want to upgrade a kit with additional peripherals (seismic sensors, search cam, UWB rescue radar)?
=> Discover all our USAR victim location peripherals on this page: USAR peripherals and control boxes
Do you want to upgrade a kit with accessories (pole, extension lead, audio headset, transport case, backpack, battery, etc.)?
=> Discover all our accessories for USAR life locator equipment on this page: Accessories for USAR life locator equipment
Need more information?
=> Contact us:
==> Discover the MULTISEARCH concept and all peripherals, existing kits and accessories:
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