Training fire extinguisher
Permanent pressure

Economical and easy refill

The training fire extinguisher allows trainers to minimise training expenses. Refillable in less than 5 minutes, they use water to simulate the extinguishing agent. Compared to conventional fire extinguisher charging, it pays for itself in less than 7 refills!

Quick and simple set-up

The appearance and operation of a training fire extinguisher is similar to that of conventional fire extinguishers. Refillable with a compressor in 5 minutes by the trainer, it generates a jet that allows the trainees to confront the flames by positioning themselves correctly.

Easy pressurisation

LEADER refillable training fire extinguishers are easy to pressurise using a foot pump (not included) or using a 15 bar compressor (not included)
Product features
Technical sheet


Essential equipment to complete the use of a flame generator during fire training, the refillable training extinguisher allows very concrete and practical training sessions at a lower cost. It helps avoid incorrect action or incorrect use.


Dimensions W x D x H
15 x 15 x 58 cm
4.3 kg
Tank maximum capacity
6 litres of water
Approx. 15 to 30 seconds (6 litres at 15 bar)

Product reference



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