Fans comparison

LEADER has its own test center with an instrumented "test house" including a dedicated room for measuring flow rates and pressures to standard AMCA 240-06.
ULH method (Université Le Havre) uses a room with positive pressure to undertake its tests in. It does take into account the restriction due to a doorway entrance and also allows (realizing) comparative tests by creating several configurations which is not possible with the AMCA 240 method that follows a strict standard. The ULH method allows some tests with realistic measurements that meet as near conditions found on the fire ground.
This is the measurement method adopted by LEADER for their tests. LEADER has its own test center with an instrumented "test house" including a dedicated room for measuring flow rates and pressures to standard AMCA 240-06.
To allow for the variability of real life situations, the test house incorporates multiple features allowing fans to be tested and compared.
This installation is indispensable to our R&D department for testing and developing innovations to LEADER fans and maximizing their performance.
The test house also allows us to demonstrate to customers and partners the efficiency of our fans and the firefighting benefits of controlling ventilation.
Come and try for yourself !
Visit us to compare LEADER fans with those from other manufacturers. Or come and compare different ventilation configurations to learn more about Easy Pow’Air Technology.
You will be able to conduct your own tests following the method below :
- Choose a room with an entrance door. Find an outgoing (window or door) having the same entrance size.
- Position an anemometer at 1.40m height of the outgoing.
- Position the fan at 1,80m from entrance door and look at the speed on the anemometer.
- Repeat the test at several distances: 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m
- Airflow m3/h = Speed m/s X Outgoing surface area m² X 3600
- Airflow CFM = Speed ft/s X Outgoing surface area ft² X 60
3 main technologies
To better understand the results, here are the classified ventilation technologies existing on the market :
Conventional fans produce a large, conical jet of air which covers all of the opening.
This turbulent jet generates eddies which consequently reduce the effectiveness of this type of fan.
A significant part of the propelled air is therefore ineffective.
These fans must be positioned within two meters of the opening, as the air flow radically decreases beyond this distance.
These ventilators produce a very concentrated air stream which moves at high speed. The propelled jet of air drags along the ambient air and forms a large cone.
It is possible to position the ventilator up to a maximum of three meters from the opening.
This technology which is specific to LEADER fans combines the following advantages:
The speed and concentrated shape of the Easy Pow'Air jet entrains surrounding air, thereby increasing the fan's flow rate.
The force and stability of the jet gives constant and optimal efficiency from 2 to 6 m between fan and opening. This creates valuable space for interventions teams working in /around the entrance. The fans can also be positioned as close as 0.90 m. The increased distance reduces noise levels for responders.
Automatic +10° tilt: when raised, the lifting handle automatically positions the fan at its optimal angle of tilt. Fine adjustment of the tilt from +10° to +20° is also possible.
The ability to withdraw the apparatus and tilt it to its maximum angle makes ventilation possible in these situations: raised doors and windows, entrance steps, landings, etc.Ventilation on a slope: Its optional prop allows the fan to be aimed down at an angle of -10°. Very useful for basement work.
Comparison of jet shapes and distances of use :
Drawing on Easy Pow’Air technology, LEADER’s engineers have developed the NEO concept :
an optimal combination of GRILLE, PROPELLER and SHROUD allowing to the LEADER fans get up to 20% greater flow rate, for unrivalled power in their category !
Results comparison
Create a graph to see curves resulting of your tests at different distances using several technologies.
The Easy Pow' Air LEADER fans offer a greater efficiency between 2 and 6 m with an optimum between 4 and 5 m. This large distance between fan and entrance door is a big advantage because it gives firefighters much more space and options for manoeuvring.
The LEADER fans can also be positioned as near as 0,90 m from an opening.
LEADER, manufacturer of firefighting equipment, offers a wide range of firefighting fans.
Discover our other expertises on firefighting fans and firefighting ventilation (PPV, NPV, operational ventilation, etc).